
Blood on Boots
October, 2022
"This fake Italy with its expansive menu is not the place to lay bare the ugliness of war, as only doctors see it after chaotic violence ends and the methodical violence of medical care starts. Trying to explain war to someone who has never been is like trying to explain colors to a blind person, or opera to the deaf. There are no words for some experiences; for those who have been, no words are necessary."
Why “Be More Like Pilots” Just Doesn’t Fly in Emergency Medicine
Dec 22, 2017
Patient safety pundits hold up the aviation industry as the cure to all patient safety mishaps in medicine. There are certainly good practices that can be adapted, but medicine is infinitely more complex and requires different solutions.

The Consequences of Refusing Vaccines
This is a post I wrote for the group Voices for Vaccines, which is an advocacy group encouraging vaccinations. I spoke from my perspective of an emergency physician, and discussed the downstream effects in the emergency department when a child comes in who is not vaccinated.
Musings of a Young Artist, Classique Journal
October, 2022
This is a great place to showcase a sample of your written work or write short description about your project. Did you collaborate on a print or multimedia project? If so, dazzle your visitors with images and video! Make sure to include a link to the full live project or document so readers can enjoy the entire piece.